If you are one of the said players who seek additional data in analyzing matches, champions statistics, builds, runes and so on - League apps and websites are there for you. Only a small percent of players seek information that can improve their gaming experience and make them better at what they do. Most of the players right after logging in, start the game search and after the finished game either quit or queue for another one. This is not an issue since all of this can be found on both League related websites and applications created by the player base. This is the very reason why you can't find complicated statistics, deep data and a high amount of information on the menu. Riot Games wants to make LoL as easy to play as possible. League of Legends is a game created with a vision of quick accessibility. Let's waste no more time and jump straight into it. MMOAuctions guides and articles for League of Legends If you are interested in other League of Legends articles and guides you can find them on our blog page. Below you will find information on some of the most famous programs and websites that can help you step up your game and improve your experience within it. Welcome to our guide for the best League of Legends apps.