Included in the information, you'll find details on each company's location, year founded, number of employees, and brief summary of activities. Table 1 below lists the top featured manufacturers and suppliers of potato chips on. Top Featured Manufacturers and Suppliers of Potato Chips on Thomas This article provides a summary of some of the top featured manufacturers and suppliers of potato chips on Thomas, as well as the top potato chip suppliers in the USA by revenue. Some potato chip manufacturers will also manufacture private-label potato chips for interested customers who desire their own brand presence. Along the way, all kinds of flavors were added to make an almost irresistible product even more irresistible. In the 1980s, the batch cooking process was “rediscovered,” the continuously cooked potato chip became the traditional chip, and kettle-cooked became the new old thing.

At some point, waves or ridges were added to the chips, strengthening them for dipping. Manufacturers then invented a method of cooking them continuously, creating a product that dominated the market for years and effectively squeezed out the batch process. Originally, chips were cooked in batches in vats of hot oil. Potato chips can be roughly segregated into three types. Pennsylvania, for some reason, seems to be the prevailing state for chip-making. Regional brands continue to serve their fans in smaller local markets and many have online customers. Today, potato chips are retailed on the national level by a handful of giant corporations, with several owning multiple brands. Somewhere along the way, the lowly potato chip became a dominant packaged snack item. Slice them thin, cook them in hot oil, and toss them in some salt. Potato chips trace their origin at least back to the 19 th century.