Some fans feel like Hammerfell - the homeland of the Redguards - is a likely setting, which will have interesting implications for The Elder Scrolls 6's story.
Thanks to The Elder Scrolls' expansive lore, there are plenty of places where The Elder Scrolls 6 could be set, and many potential storylines to follow. There are a few prevalent rumors, such as the assumption that the next Elder Scrolls title will be an Xbox exclusive thanks to Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda in 2020, but not much has actually been confirmed. In the absence of facts, speculation has begun amidst the community. Apart from an initial teaser, fans haven't really seen much of The Elder Scrolls 6. Still, players were excited when it was revealed at E3 2018 that The Elder Scrolls 6 was on its way, even if relatively little has been seen of it since then. That might be why it's been over 10 years since fans were able to play a new Elder Scrolls entry, although Bethesda has also been busy with other projects like the ongoing Fallout 76 and the massive sci-fi RPG Starfield.

After the success of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Bethesda has a tough job when it comes to the next installment in the fan-favorite series.